About Pastor Sherry Major
Pastor Sherry Major, also known as Pastor Shea, is a native of Nassau, Bahamas. She was born to Freddie and Cassie Major. She has three sisters and three brothers. Sherry Major committed herself to the Lord early in her life and has been faithful in her service to the Lord from the age of eighteen where she served at New River Side Church of God under the leadership of Bishop Alfred Thompson. Where she served as a Sunday school teacher, piano player, youth choir director, and church cleaner.
In 1992, she left Nassau to pursue an education and find herself in a church called New Testament Church of God under the leadership of Bishop R.L. Christie. She served in many roles, such as leadership functions, youth choir leader, and church cleaner.
Pastor Sherry Major was given an opportunity from her job as an engineer to transfer to Tampa, Florida. She then found a place of worship at Miracle City Worship Center under the leadership of Bishop Elgin Franklin where she served as outreach coordinator, youth leader, and computer class teacher. She then moved to New Vision New Birth to help the birthing and building of this ministry. She was a minister, outreach coordinator, a preacher, and a teacher.
Pastor Sherry Major transferred yet for another time to Truth Outreach International Ministries under the leadership of Apostle Michelle Kelly where she served extensively for over ten years as the Associate Pastor, the Director of Ministry Affairs, Women with a Voice Director, Instructor of Equipping Leaders for Ministry, member of the Board of Directors, and doing whatever she finds to do. She believes that her job is to make sure her leader looks good by make her job lighter and easier. Since being mandated to Truth Outreach International Ministries, Pastor Sherry Major has been instrumental in pushing the Body of Christ to walk into their purpose and potential. She epitomizes the word Pastor because she has a heart for the souls of God’s people. Pastor Major is dedicated to Kingdom and to her assignment. Her drive and her desire are seen daily as she teaches the flock, empowering them to excel in the kingdom. She operates in the spirit of excellence in every area of her life and that is also seen in her ministry. Pastor Sherry Major operates in all the five fold ministry gifts. Her level of obedience and servitude has earned God’s favor to be her portion. She is a woman of many gifts, and she uses them to build the body of Christ.
The Pastor
Pastor Major places great emphasis on the need for spiritual growth and development through the teaching of God’s Word. She is a counselor and always have an encouraging word to give. She goes above and beyond as she labors for the sheep. She is very instrumental in church development, evangelism, community development, and church expansion.
The Teacher
Pastor Major had worked tirelessly in development, writing training manuals and curriculum based classes for ministry development. She actively teaches ELM (Equipping Leaders for Ministry) classes to new and existing leaders. The graduates of this class are empowered and equipped to work effectively in ministry. This class have trained and graduated multiple students.
The Humanitarian
Because of the great commission on Pastor Major’s life, she is burdened with the souls of God’s people. Soul Reach Inc. was birth to give back to the less fortunate in her home Country Bahamas and many other countries where she takes the Gospel, food, and clothes to the needy. This a tremendous mission where lives are changed, set free, and delivered as Pastor Major shares the good news of Christ. Soul Reach is a nonprofit organization.
Pastor Major is also focused on church development. Her passion has birth. The Fresh Start doing ministry with a fresh approach model. This Program helps churches in the areas of communication, accountability, leadership, and finance management. Again her desire to see the ministry done effectively has created a solution to a problem in the body of Christ. Her selflessness is astounding when it relates to the kingdom.
Pastor Major’s focus is unequivocally kingdom. She recently launched the PEM (Plan Execute Monitor). This program is focused on helping business owners start their businesses. She has helped birth many businesses since the inception of the PEM program.
Pastor Major is a woman on the move for God, who is a gifted preacher, teacher, entrepreneur, engineer, friend, DJ, builder, and motivator. With wisdom and clarity, she presents a “Rhema Word” through Biblical truth that not only affects but changes the lives of God’s people. Pastor Sherry Major is truly a leading-lady and a world-class visionary that has the heart for the people of God. She encourages the saints of God “to always put God first and all else will follow.”
Pastor Sherry Major is a Humanitarian which leads her to be the Founder & Visionary of Soul Reach Inc. an Outreach Organization dedicated to bringing churches together from all denominations for the purpose of feeding the physical needs as well as the spiritual needs of God’s people around the world that are lost.
She is the founder of PShea Enterprise LLC. She is the host of The Let’s Talk Show — a Christian Talk Show that gets to the root of those issues that impact family, churches, and communities.
With an ear to hear from God, Pastor Major answered the call for a Christian talk show and from her obedience, The Let’s Talk Show was born in 2013. The show deals with present-day issues in the church that can be sometimes even considered Taboo. These issues are addressed based on the truth of God’s word. This setting is considered to be safe for illuminating and bringing solutions such as deliverance and breakthrough in the lives of God’s people.
To know more about our dynamic show host Pastor Shea, please read her mini-biography. For other concerns, you may reach us at 813-971-5372.